You Might Not Know
I have always been an honest trader. I come from a school of traders where there was honor in the deal. No contracts, just a handshake and that's it, done. That's the way I prefer to do business but it's not always possible these days, sadly.
Alan Sugar
I was thinking about you (yup, all of you) in the shower today. Seriously, I do some of my best thinking in the shower.
The easier thing is to talk of negatives. It’s like a human being’s default. Even when I lose my sense of humor I strive to see the “better” of people. I also strive to live in a fact-based reality. This can be a tricky path. How to remain hopeful and grounded in the present? I’ve found it to be more challenging than simply default of grousing without insight.
My Goal
My goal is to share with you my version of the world. In order to invite you into my world, like my home, I must tidy an already clean house. There you have it, I’m inviting you into my world, my mind and more than that, into my experiences. I will keep it as tidy as possible.
What started this line of thinking was using a bar of Tangled Soap.
You Might Not Know
What you might not know is, I am not paid to tell you any of this – relevant or not – I wanted you to know. It matters to me if someone is paid to say something or not, it speaks to their motives. I realized many might not know that what I write about a soap supply companies is not coerced nor paid for – its my experience of the product.
It takes hours to discover these things I observe: hours of writing, experimentation, contemplation (my favorite part), researching products, ordering, etc. All this takes time. Not a complaint but a fact – stuff takes time.
A few times a year Bramble Berry sends a box of goodies to people in the soap community. I got lucky and received a couple boxes so I created videos: Fragrance Oil Reviews, here.

Another company on my radar is Nurture Soap Supply. I’m just now digging into the vast array of micas and fragrance oils. Learning about a company takes time: time to order, utilize the product and see how I experience it in my world. My latest fragrance oil love is Comfort and Joy. I can’t get enough of this surprising scent. I love apples, apple anything! Most apple fragrance oils I’ve tried have fallen short, but this… Behaved perfectly and held the scent. No discoloration either. When I want to continue to smell a fragrance… That is the true sign for me. This scent causes me delight.
Growing with a company requires observation: how do they treat their own mistakes? Do they care if the client is satisfied? Do they want to make a fair trade, money for product?
Honor and Integrity
I don’t disconnect from any one or any company for a mistake, one or many. Mistakes are part of existence. If I trip and fall I don’t stop walking. My limit, when I do disconnect, is when, or if, someone or company refuses to take responsibility, lack of integrity repeatedly. (Yes, I’ve done this with acquaintances. But what is the point? I don’t want to deceive myself, or you.) If I witness lies repeatedly or a false reality – I will not set my version of reality aside for someone else’s – I don’t expect someone else to do that for me.
If something I write or say, or my behaviors help, by all means, adopt them and incorporate them into your reality. I do not see this as a requirement of relationship or friendship. I do see there needs to be a baseline of honor… SOMEWHERE. If we cannot agree to this, there is no hope for business, humans or anything. Humans have been playing this “lying” game, sideways speak, for far too long.
What if we just got present to what IS verses the words that came out of some people’s face holes? How is it so many think they have something to say they are buried in their phones? I’d rather someone say, “I’ve been horrible”, then try to lie to me.
Truth can be a matter of interpretation, some say… I use facts to support my understanding of this world. I strive to take all things, look for facts, use my own interpretation, and make a conclusion I can live with.
It All Comes Out In The Wash
I get the feeling from Nurture Soap / Carrie that she cares about the soap community.
Fear never creates honor, but the desire to do well, pride in one’s work and having a personal honor code. These two heads of Soap State have a personal honor codes.
Carrie, this Mica Maven, from Nurture Soap investigates her micas, glitter and fragrance oils like nobody’s business, she’s helpful and knowledgable on aspects of micas and glitters and now offering bio, vegan and cruelty free glitters. Carrie even has a Facebook group where we can dice it up about our products, experiences and post results. I love that she interacts with her customers.
I have had communication with this power-house woman over the years. Carrie has treated me with honor, kindness and integrity. My heart is always full when I see an email from her. I will always support those who are kind to me. It doesn’t hurt me at all, and feels good on both sides.
The other part, why I write about companies I like, is to share with you those products I love, and some times, those that don’t go so well, but I steer clear of the non-sense. I’d rather talk about those things that bring me joy, delight me or I’ve found useful. Because if you were in my soapery, I’d tell you, the good and the bad, the soap magic.
There is an update:
Some companies that I have written about in the past, have sold their businesses. I have seen them go from stellar customer support, reasonable shipping times to showing me time and time again, they no longer care about their customers. If I no longer mention these people / companies, it is because I have witness the decline.
Maintaining the quality in all we do is not for the faint hearted. It is work.