Favorite Soap Blogs and Soap Help
Favorite Soap blogs and soaping sites that are good to know.
I have more bookmarked soap sites than I care to admit. There are tons of soap blogs, youtube channels and websites. I chose these links for a few reasons:
- Found them easy to navigate and delightful to visit.
- Helpful information.
- Learned something new.
- Enjoy the person presenting and have come to recognize these people in a variety of social media outlets and still like them.
- Found inspiration from their sites/channel.
Here are some Soapers I visit regularly, in no particular order.
Here we go:
Swift Craft Monkey – Tons of detailed, extensive and some times random, information about many aspects of soap making from a scientific mind, (if not scientific at least someone who share what’s down the rabbit hole, and I can appreciate that.)
Soap Queen TV – This channel’s star is Anne-Marie, she’s very approachable and my favorite part of her helpful youtube videos are her bloopers at the end of her videos. Anne-Marie runs a great Instagram channel and has Bramble Berry, offering a wide variety of soap supplies.
Making Soap Magazine – too many helpful and insightful articles to recount, but take a look at who’s on the cover for March/April 2016. I’ll bet you will recognize this soaping icon.
Sorcery Soap’s Pinterest Soap Board – if you find yourself in dire need of inspiration, I run a Soap board where I scour Pinterest for the best soaps I can find. I have 1,100 soap pins!