Spinning Silk in Soap

Spinning Silk in Soap

I just made the best soap dough I’ve ever made. Finally, after bunches and bunches of soap, I have perfected my soap and soap dough!

This Sorcery Soap Dough is the ideal consistency and texture for molding, just the perfect stickiness but not too sticky, smooth to touch, creamy and moldable, which translates also into a great bar of soap. (See video at the bottom of this post.) To know your soap its a great idea to feel it, from a variety of different ways, and touching it in different stages give you information unlike just using it or looking at it.

I can’t tell you all my secret ingredients, however, I can share this very critical ingredient that I found so helpful and essential I imported the best I could find… Silk. Not any silk, but Mulberry Silk also known as Bombyx mori silk.

This is the finest quality silk I could find.

I also discovered that adding more than a cotton ball size adds a quality to soap that is unique, like Anne Watson says, we use silk in our soap for the same reasons we wear silk.

Adding 2-5 grams of cut silk per pound steps your soap up to a new quality.

What is Mulberry Silk?

Mulberry Silk natural protein fiber, and when I use the word “natural” I mean that it occurs without human intervention. Mulberry Silk, however, is cultivated by humans.

The silk worms are cared for and live a pampered life while they make the silk. They are provided a constant fresh supply of mulberry leaves, their environment is strictly controlled to prevent them from being subjected to loud noises, predators and strong odors.

The resulting mulberry silk thread is the strongest natural fiber in the world, making it incredibly durable. A silk fiber the same diameter as a fiber of steel is stronger than the steel.

The mulberry silk thread is also rounder, finer, smoother, and a lighter more uniform color than silk harvested from the wild where those silkworms have to eat whatever leaves and plants that are available to them.

If you are interested in procuring Mulberry Silk and trying it out for yourself click here.


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