Fillmore Container TruScent Lilac
Fillmore Container TruScent Lilac
I found Fillmore Container TruScent from a soaping group. This company’s scents came recommended by Karen Tallent Dietrich. I’m truly grateful for that suggestion!
I order 1 oz bottle of this fragrance oil and then test them in a tried and true recipe. The first was Lilac. I love lilacs yet am suspect of flowery scents as they have a reputation for acceleration. I used a high olive oil soap recipe since I plan on using these soaps for my own family and friends. I know olive oil has a difficult time accepting color, but any scent that can work with this recipe is a keeper.
I added purple, even though I know, that a yellow base will not produce much true color. I added a lovely Mad Oil mica of purple. The scent did not recipe was not affected negatively in any way by this scent. I didn’t titrate, but just dumped the Lilac scent in after a slight trace.
I poured last night and unmolded today.
It is a true scent like its name, and represents lilacs in flower so beautifully and clearly it brings up memories of childhood spring time. I’m, over-all, well pleased with this TruScent of Lilac from Fillmore Container!
The post Fillmore Container TruScent Lilac appeared first on Sorcery Soap™.