Sorcery Creations Facebook Group

Sorcery Creations Facebook Group

If you didn’t know, there is a merry little band of soap makers who have joined a group I named “Sorcery Creations” on facebook.

What happens there?

Unusual and peculiar soaps, bath and body product images are posted, soaping inspiration and questions to help you get past your soaping limitations… And many, many extraordinary soap makers to offer their sage wisdom and guidance are among our members.

I understand some soap makers are busy making soap, have an over full life or don’t have the desire to be active on line. I understand and want to offer this, even if you don’t participate you will be influenced in your soap making ideas and abilities by viewing the activities and images in this group.

I see a variety of soap makers who have been influenced by the Sorcery of this soap maker, in and out of this group (I share often) – soap creations that they have had no history of or have never manifested come to life after Sorcery Soaps reached their awareness… Maybe you are one of those, maybe you need a group of soap makers to support your soaping rebelliousness, or maybe you need a surge of inspiration. All good reasons to join Sorcery Creations Facebook group. It is a group of honorable soap makers I have found to have steel integrity.

I will be, and am, deeply grateful for your help… You will be with me in spirit during our move. Which is all I can ask for.

Thank you to each of you who have helped me so far. Truly is an amazing idea to think people of all over the world are here to help us move this Soapery.


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