
Sorcery Creations Facebook Group

Sorcery Creations Facebook Group

If you didn’t know, there is a merry little band of soap makers who have joined a group I named “Sorcery Creations” on facebook. What happens there? Unusual and peculiar...

Sorcery Creations Facebook Group

If you didn’t know, there is a merry little band of soap makers who have joined a group I named “Sorcery Creations” on facebook. What happens there? Unusual and peculiar...

Secret Soap Tricks from a Soap Witch

Secret Soap Tricks from Sorcery Soap Witch Creativity. That’s the secret. End of post. . . . . . Ok, not the end. First, lets identify the clutter: Here are some...

Secret Soap Tricks from a Soap Witch

Secret Soap Tricks from Sorcery Soap Witch Creativity. That’s the secret. End of post. . . . . . Ok, not the end. First, lets identify the clutter: Here are some...