Touching Soap Base
I want to touch base with you, my Soap Sister-Witches!
I’ve been a little below the radar lately and I’ve figured some things out.
While I’ve been rather quite I’ve been making soap (shocker) and working on the next Sorcery book. This one, “Soap Dough Magic, The Complete Guide To Soap Dough” is much more comprehensive with step-by-steps, favorite soap dough (and bar soap) recipes, mica recipes and more peculiar soap ideas. This takes a LOT of focus and time, but there is much I want to share about the wonders of soap dough.
As you may, or may not, know I spend most of my time making soap. Not just any soap, but Sorcery Soap. With each soap I want to you to feel as if it’s the most amazing soap you’ve ever seen. I want you to experience shock at a Buttered Popcorn Soap, or delight in a sweet little bunny hugging a carrot or curiosity at a newly hatched Baby Soap Dragon. A tall order. I have set the bar so high for myself I might not full achieve this goal in my life time, but I keep trying.
I find delight to be exactly next to beauty but not out-done by curiosity. All three are personal moments of a sincere connection to the artist’s creation. I think the world could always use more delight and most certainly more beauty and curiosity leads to many great adventures.
I also discovered we all have our form of connection that works for us. Mine is writing. Although I do make videos, and am getting better at presenting information in this format, I love writing. Continuing to work on the next soap dough book has brought some thoughts to the surface. I’m going to offer this book as an audio book as well. I like it when I’m read to, so I figured you might too.
My other form of connection is photography. I love telling stories with pictures. I just had my favorite camera lens repaired. Gosh, that lens has traveled all over with me, hanging off my shoulder in huge pastures of horses, back country round-ups, getting mud-splattered at rodeos and taking soap photos. I didn’t realize it wasn’t functioning correctly and probably hasn’t been for some time. When it finally failed I took it in. What a big difference.
Bring YOUR Light
Bring the best of yourself to the table. Only you know what the very best means. If you keep your light from the world it will have a hole in it the size of your soul. Our world needs more light, your light, exactly as you are. If you have no idea of your purpose, (which is a very big concept) reduce it to this… Do your level best with every single task. Every. Single. Task. Bring your profound energy and attention to washing your soap dishes in equal measure to making your soaps. If you have any doubts, just do this for a year, a month, a week, or just a day. And see what happens.
I will leave you (for now) with this idea. I have found that moving into new levels of creativity has shown me more shadow in myself, at first, than light, but ohhh… The light!
The post Touching Soap Base appeared first on Sorcery Soap™.