Working For Demons

Working For Demons

Working For Demons

I thought being a soap witch I'd find my people, my sisters. And then they came. These entities I encountered - even demons wear suits and carry titles - show themselves through their reactions to certain words.

Integrity as a Spell

I witnessed this firsthand when I was fired for simply using the word "integrity" during an office meeting. Yes, you read that correctly. What followed was revealing: the manager dismissed everyone else, closed the door, and proceeded to dress me down, physically positioning himself between me and the door when I tried to leave. His reaction to a simple word spoke volumes about the nature of the energies we sometimes serve unwittingly. I was working for a man who despised the word integrity. It was jarring, but his reaction was clear. 

I had been an employer in my past, and if one of my guys used this word, I would have been proud. Don’t be deceived by the illusion of this phrase that has been placed on all heads, “you don’t know what you’d do in that situation.” As if you don’t know yourself. Of course you do! What you know of yourself is true, even if you will learn more, what you believe of yourself is true, good or bad. You are your highest authority. Saying you don’t know yourself is a curse of usurpation, meant only to become your highest authority. As if they know better. I was once deceived by this idea, don’t you be. 

Breaking Free 

This experience, while highly disturbing, became illuminating. I realized that those I that I’d tried to appease were manifesting exactly the energies I needed to break free from. Some entities feed on compliance and fear, draining all creative force from those who serve them. I thought I could create something better, so I began a different journey.

Universal Goodness Myth

I have always, (and I mean always) thought people were good at heart. I was so freaking wrong. Some are not people. OH! There you go. Some don't want to be nice, kind or understand. How did I not know this? I thought under the right circumstances they would come to harmony, understanding and empathy. Nope.

The Price of Giving 

I've seen that the more I give the more they will take. What does it matter if I'm receiving some of what I wanted? After all, nothing is perfect. Right? I cannot argue with this idea, however, how much giving is too much? Does it matter if I feel depleted and used afterwards? Are those always signs of voiding my own boundaries?

What has become clearer, dear Sister, is that certain cycles must complete themselves naturally. I could not be fired before I used the potent word, integrity. While discerning which patterns to break and which to let run their course remains a challenge, I am learning to listen more closely. To watch with hawk eyes and stay still as a rabbit when all seem to be running in fear. This effort does not always give me a desired outcome. Just because I work hard, give all I have to give, does not mean I will walk away with what I set out to accomplish. 

This is not what I was told. Once again, I had to learn the hard way.

The Nature of Shadows 

These encounters haven't just been curses and hexes, but opportunities for insight, if I chose. I will gain something from every encounter. I insist on it. These pebbles of insight are important to retrieve. I will use these pebbles later on my journey, or so I’ve learned. Because no matter what I do, they will come. Those who do not wish good will, strive to divert my soul-path, and even destroy those who walk the path. 

If you choose your path, your soul path, outside protection is not guaranteed. Another side effect, your skin will thicken and empathy will appear non-existent. But all must choose. 

The path has taught me that authentic expression isn't just about speaking truth, setting “healthy” boundaries and being “authentic” (I scoff at all these deceptions. Yes, scoff is appropriate here.) - it's about recognizing which energies to engage with, which to transmute, and when to take a side road to make my way around the obstacle, rejoining my path on the other side. After all, demons ignore words spoken, designated boundaries, even magical words like “no”.

The Path Continues

I have worn many masks in my life, and played many roles. Each costume convinced me I was that character. I was wrong, of course. I bought into the great deception - that I am who others tell me I am. Not so dramatic as all that, but damn close. The real joke? There is never a justifiable severance package. 

P.S. The Punchline Remember that company that fired me over "integrity"? Turns out they had a brilliantly demonic business model. Here's how it worked:

Target retired folks with their life savings intact. Sell them the dream: "Buy a website from us! Make money in your retirement!" But here's the real scheme:

  • Step 1: Get them to buy an expensive website they don't need
  • Step 2: Lock them into recurring "maintenance" fees
  • Step 3: Make cancellation nearly impossible (think Hotel California, but with websites)
  • Step 4: Keep collecting monthly fees until...
  • Step 5: Dissolve the company before anyone catches on

The true irony? They fired me for saying "integrity" in a meeting. While they were running a pyramid scheme dressed up as retirement planning. I guess some demons really do tell you exactly who they are - if you're paying attention. All that was needed was one word to reveal the spell.

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