What I Learned About Life From Soaping

What I Learned About Life From Soaping

I've been at this soap game awhile.

I've gone through many iterations and had beings come after me... In a variety of ways. In the beginning I had a woman lose her mind, claiming I stole her soap recipe. I didn't know her or had ever heard of her. After we privately communicated and she sent me her laborious soap recipe, which was akin to milled soap, not anything like my cold process soap dough. Eventually, she offered a sideways apology. I've never heard from her again.

In this same time frame, this happened... And why I make my watermark obnoxious. Even that didn't stop a Chinese company from copying my entire website (about the same time my traffic died) and posting it, all my images (and I mean all, 1,000's) including watermarks, my business name and my legal name! The thieves are gone and so is their stolen booty. Okay, maybe the still exist, but they are gone from my realm.

I used all my life-force energy to make them stop, not one dollar was spent. I have a strong feeling of "make them right or better than right" before the crime type of justice. I should have been made whole from their nefarious actions, but what I got was them removed. Good enough when battling a demon.
I thought this was funny, a few years ago (2014) a soap supplier I knew was using my photography (see photo) without permission. I asked him to not do this... As he did not ask permission, after all, and had my images posted on his website,  implying we worked together. He went into a soap group and tried to publicly humiliate me. What he didn't know is I don't humiliate easily. (One of my superpowers) I continued to state my case in that group and it was revealed he was not a good person, by his name calling and overt temper tantrums. Oddly, the first time my husband met him (at his local shop) when we picked up soap supplies, husband said he was a bad man. I was turned around, because I had bought into his façade of being a "nice" person. When I examined the situation more carefully, I could see how he belittled his wife and was seething under his veneer. How odd, I bought into his costume. I'm so grateful for my husband, and have learned a great deal about topics just like this from him. My husband is keen and keener than I suspected. Now, after a bunch of years being together, he still surprises me... And is my staunch supporter and protector. ❤

These are the soap photos that this being in a man costume "tried" to use.
There are those of us who strive to do more good than harm. There are also those who do the opposite, but pose as us. Knowing the difference takes many encounters with evil. Now, I'm learning and understand a bit more. I have not mastered this skill, but am striving to understand those who do ill.

Good luck on your travels today, and I hope you find some good along the way. Knowing the difference between good and evil is a start and a great skill to have in your pouch. ❤
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