Hidden Frequencies
As reality bends and shifts around us, I'm crafting my own map of understanding. Whether you see this as fiction or a creative way of perceiving our changing and fractured collective realms, these letters between Sisters offer a path through the maze of competing truths.
In a time when narratives multiply like shadows at twilight, I choose to weave my own.
Winter - December 14
Dear Mary,
Your observations about the frequency disturbances align with my recent research findings. The increased drone activity isn't mere surveillance - they're searching for specific brain wave patterns. My colleagues at the research center have noted unusual electromagnetic signatures that match patterns we documented during a recent incident.
What concerns me most is the correlation between these scans and the surge in collective memory discrepancies. The P.T.B.'s previous attempts at neural modification through prisoner implants failed precisely because they misunderstood a crucial point: empathy can't be artificially induced in hardware that lacks the basic capacity for it.
Now they're casting a wider net, searching not just for those already implanted, but for those naturally resistant to frequency manipulation. The ripples you're sensing - they're looking for people like us, Mary. Those whose memories don't align with their manufactured narrative.
It's not unlike their previous attempts at control, but the scale is unprecedented. They're specifically targeting what they call "anomalous brain activity" - what we would simply call our natural state.
The research center's data shows concerning patterns. These drones operate on multiple frequency bands simultaneously - far more sophisticated than previous P.T.B. monitoring systems. They're not just scanning; they're attempting to map what they call "consciousness anomalies."
What they don't understand - or perhaps choose to ignore - is that consciousness isn't a simple electrical pattern that can be mapped and modified. Their previous failure with the prisoner implants proved this. You can't artificially install empathy any more than you can force a flower to bloom by pulling its petals open.
Most troubling are the reports from my contacts in the medical research division. They've documented cases of Temporals experiencing sudden "corrections" to their memories, particularly regarding historical events. These aren't natural memory shifts - they bear the signature of directed frequency manipulation.
The drones seem to concentrate their activity during certain astronomical alignments. I suspect they're attempting to exploit natural frequency windows, much like we do with our own workings. The irony of them using bastardized versions of our own ancient practices isn't lost on me.
Keep your wards strong, especially during dawn and dusk when the frequencies are most volatile. I've enclosed a frequency-dampening charm. It's crude but effective - similar to what we used during the Basel experiments.
With vigilance, Ione
P.S. - If you notice any gaps in your recent memories, document them immediately. The patterns matter.
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#drones #witchfiction #HiddenFrequencies #ConsciousnessMapping #sisterletters