Where the Soap Witch Lives

Where the Soap Witch Lives

Welcome to the Hobbit Home Where the Soap Witch Lives

Sorcery Soap has moved! Thank you to all those who helped us move with your orders, well wishes and good luck spells this past month. Although some spells need a touch of work. Keep reading and you'll understand.

I'm happy to report no more stairs! Our new home is a one story. Truman-dog seems pleased to walk out the door into the yard. This home is more than we allowed ourselves to dream. It is not large, which I love, but roomy enough to give us breathing space. Happy to report all fragrance oils made it safely to their new home where light cannot reach their delicate little souls.

Our neighbors are lovely, we've met both on either side and they are older and quiet; a single woman on one side and a couple on the other and both, on first few meetings, are pleasant.

The main living area has been dedicated to our work, blogging, research and, of course, soap making. Our home is not set-up traditionally, we dedicate our living and dining room to what we like and utilize our spare room for our movie nights. No worries, if you stop by we have a comfy lounge area lit up with fairy lights.

The lighting in the main area is quite interesting and varied with two large windows and a patio slider. There is a built-in book shelf that holds most of our books, however, my mate stacked them to all fit, not to find. There is no dewey decimal system here! I like the randomness of it. I have already run across books I'd like to read again.

On the outside, a private yard runs the length of the house with a covered veranda.

Before we moved we had a few days so the family came over to do laundry, hang out and see how the house felt. The second night we were waiting for the laundry to finish when J walked into the hall and said, "why is there water on the floor?" The coupling for the commode came loose and was running. Water poured onto the floor creating a small river. (Ok, that was dramatic.)  It truly was everywhere! The hall was flooded, into the living room, soaked the newly remodeled bedroom closet carpet and even outside on to porch. Which was probably to the good. We jumped-to and utilized all available towels to sop up the water, not having a mop. It was cleaned up - no harm, no foul.

Two days after we moved in there was a storm. The winds were dramatic and we had a bit of rain, oddly only on one part of the yard. It was high contrast from the static hot weather we generally have in this part of the desert.

The old apartment still had to be cleaned. The next day, we opened the gate and to our astonishment there was a tree on my car. Ok, it wasn't a whole tree but a huge branch.

We quickly discovered Palo Verde Tree's have thorns. The car could not be moved without attending to the tree that was loving my car too hard. J made short work of that tree with his handy saw. He went into the house to get a towel to better grab the tree without getting further torn up, as we didn't have gloves. I continued to cut the tree up and cut through a large branch the entire tree was resting on. I attempted to save my side mirror with no idea the weight of the branch was supported not by my mirror, but the very branch I cut through. Once it fell on me I had no choice but muscle the main tree branch off.

Naughty Fae and Mischievous Gremlins 

With a dent on the roof of my car and a scratched window, a few thorns in our skin and some scratches on my mate, all was well. We finished the job of cleaning our old apartment, removing our energy and setting our sights on the high levels of creativity floating about in our new hobbit home where this soap witch now lives with her steady and trusty golf wizard.

We have moved on from the mischievous goblin and gremlin shenanigans, and discovered I'll need a bit of refinement for my protection spells. It all could have been much worse, so difficult to say how much they worked. ;) There is no accounting for the ridiculousness of naughty faeries and troublesome goblins and gremlins. It seems these beings float in on streams of creativity, so I'll take it all!

I can taste Sorcery in the air. This Soap Witch can feel it growing and tickling to manifest, so new Sorcery soaps are on their way to being in this world from the other world.


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