Soap Love
Let's say you didn't have to work, ever. No more: cleaning your home, shopping, vacuuming, laundry, taking the trash out, appointments for car repair, getting ready for work, going to work, working, driving home, making dinner, let's just say... All of it was over. What would you do with your days? What would your day look like?
I know what I would do... I'd make soap. That might sound silly, even pedestrian, to some, but for me... It's the bulk of my waking moments, and some times my dreams.
I find a rock to sit on along with my trusty sidekick I lay down and let the images of the next soap come to me. What do I smell? The desert doesn't have a scent most days, but after the rains it brilliant with scents that are hidden the other 360 days. What do I hear? Coyotes calling to each others. Woodpeckers yelling to all who listen where their territory boundaries are. Quail calling to their little broods, their flock to stick together.
How did this love come to be?
We met over Fight Club. Not even kidding, but then my number one love (my man) suggested I make soap.
The seed was planted.
Now, I cannot love making soap enough. My only other goal is to invite those who have the same inclinations into this magical place, where shock is the precursor to joy when someone discovers your creation is actually soap, and not just soap, but amazing soap. I want to support you, help you when I can and offer inspiration. Some things I've found useful are these little bags. I made a bag / packaging tutorial with a downloadable template.
For those who don't know, this blog - Sorcery Soap Blog - also has resources for soap dough making, answers and tips along with Sorcery Soap Books on Soap Dough making.
The books come in a variety of ways to suit your inclinations and pocketbook (do people still say pocketbook?) The Soap Dough Recipes alone are only $1 each.
The reason I write and offer stories, related obviously or indirectly, about soap is to stimulate imagination.
We can never know what are imagination will cling to. It is my hope that you find some of what I offer useful. The other part of soap making that I love, which I had no idea would turn out this way, is you. I love our Sorcery Creation group on Facebook, reading your questions, thoughts and seeing your soap creations.
I do not exaggerate this comment, as I see love as more then mere sentiment, but action. I show my love and appreciation by offing the most thoughtful responses as possible and strive to never dismiss a thoughtful question. I see how this energy is reciprocated by your support, words of encouragement and the act of offering your very own creations.
1 comment
Wait ..let me guess..
Gnome babies?