
Send the Ravens Blog Soap

Bhakti Iyata

Send the Ravens Soap I was inspired to make this soap as a tribute to The Game of Thrones Ravens. Its a large story, with many story lines moving at...

Send the Ravens Blog Soap

Bhakti Iyata

Send the Ravens Soap I was inspired to make this soap as a tribute to The Game of Thrones Ravens. Its a large story, with many story lines moving at...

Soaping Insights

Bhakti Iyata

Soaping Insights What I learned from this pie soap and other soaping adventures. I’m in love with soaping, so this makes me want to learn. I watch, experiment and chart...

Soaping Insights

Bhakti Iyata

Soaping Insights What I learned from this pie soap and other soaping adventures. I’m in love with soaping, so this makes me want to learn. I watch, experiment and chart...