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Sorcery Soaps™ + Hocus Pocus Crafts

Witch Queen Greeting Card

Witch Queen Greeting Card

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This Witch Queen is dignified and proud, with a determined yet feminine bearing. She holds her head up high. She looks straight ahead with a soft and merciful eye. She holds her self most upright.

    • Do you know a strong, yet merciful woman you'd like to acknowledge?
    • Do you wish you could show more powerful mercy?
    • Is there strength with porous boundaries? 
    • Is there someone who could use a special post marked note from you?

Witch Queen is such multi-faceted image. She is a reminded woman have always been powerful. Always. We are not always written about in by the historians, or mentioned by those who document events, but we are there.

There have been, is and will be powerful women of seemingly supernatural abilities. To name a few:

  • Boudicca - Queen of the Iceni Tribe -  43 CE
  • Grace O'Malley, a 16th Century Pirate Queen - Ireland in born circa 1530
  • Zenobia was a Palymerene queen, born circa 240 AD
  • Nefertit, Queen of the Nile - reigned from approximately 1353 to 1336 BC

 "We British are used to women commanders in war; I am descended from mighty men! But I am not fighting for my kingdom and wealth now. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body, and my outraged daughters.... Consider how many of you are fighting — and why! Then you will win this battle, or perish. That is what I, a woman, plan to do!— let the men live in slavery if they will." - Queen Boudicca

A few saying to include in your magical tools greeting cards that are offered in a downloadable print-out. 

Sayings to raise your strength.

  • Oftentimes, it is not the numbers that win the victory, but those that charge forward with the most vigor.

  • When truth and fairness are different from the law, it is better to follow truth and fairness.

  • Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near.

This is artwork is offered as a 4.875 x 3.5 inch note card, including sayings you might like to use. When I want to send a note, I don't always know what to say, so I offer 3 choices for you to use. Print the sayings and glue them inside your card or re-write them in your own hand. Please download the included quotes for your use.

These high quality greeting cards can also be framed for an enchanting desktop addition.

Want a Digital Download? We have digital downloads and 8 x 10 Prints!

© 2023 Bee Peterson, Hocus Pocus Crafts (a division of Sorcery Soap™)
All Rights Reserved unless otherwise indicated.
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